Lotus Pecas Traditional Dealer Meeting: A meeting full of innovations in Madrid

As every year, we are delighted to be hosting another exciting event this year: Lotus Peca’s traditional dealer meeting! Our annual dealer meeting is one of the most important meetings in the industry and gives us the opportunity to get together with our dealers to review the past year and share our plans for the future.

This year’s dealer conference took place from November 6 to 10 and was a unique experience for our participants. As every year, the focus this year was on customer satisfaction, product innovations and cooperation opportunities.

One of the most important topics on the agenda of our meeting was the strategies we have developed to increase customer satisfaction. We shared our efforts to continuously improve our products, taking customer feedback into account, with our dealers and created a joint roadmap for success based on their ideas. Our starting point is our dealer and support panels, which eliminate communication problems in the service, dealer and customer network.

In addition, we are constantly updating our products to keep pace with the rapid changes in the software world. At this year’s meeting, we informed our dealers about the latest technological
developments and innovations in our products and received good input from their feedback for the development process of our products. Our dealer meeting also provides a platform to evaluate cooperation opportunities and identify strategies for joint projects. As in the past, this year we had a meeting with our dealers to discuss how we can work together to achieve common goals and consolidate our leadership in the industry.

After the meeting, we had the opportunity to visit the most beautiful touristic areas of Madrid including its historical buildings and the renovated stadium of Real Madrid with our dealers and employees on our special Madrid tour.

As every year, the traditional Lotus Pecas dealer meeting was exciting and productive. This event, where we discussed important topics such as customer satisfaction, product innovations and
cooperation opportunities, will help us to further expand our success in the industry.

We would like to thank our dealers with whom we will come together at this important event and achieve great success together, and we inform you that our dealer meeting will take place in Rome in 2024!

Yours sincerely.

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